My wife, Kathy, and I enjoy riding recumbent bicycles. Unlike a traditional bicycle, you are not sitting on an uncomfortable seat. Instead, it is more like a lawn chair. The green one in the picture is mine and the red one is hers.
There are trade-offs. Recumbents are more aerodynamic, making it require less effort. But on hills you can’t use your weight to push down on the pedals—the sprocket is in front of you, not below you—which makes climbing hills harder.
But that doesn’t mean a recumbent can’t be a high-performance bike. The bicycle “hour records,” where they see how far a bicyclist can ride in an hour from a standing start, are all held by recumbent bicycles, which go significantly further than traditional bicycles. Hour Records.
The recumbents Kathy and I ride are from the company Lightning Cycle Dynamics. We’ve been pleased with our bikes.
A few years back I was one of the silly people who purchased a Google Glass. This is a short video I took with the Google Glass while riding the recumbent.
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